Remote Learning — Park Primary School

Remote Learning at Park


This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home.

 Whilst any disruption to education is not ideal, we strive to promote effective communication between home and school during this time to ensure children working remotely are well supported.

●       Year group emails have been set up for parents to directly email their child’s teacher with questions or queries.

●       Teachers and TAs are contacting children via phone call to check on their wellbeing.

●       Online assemblies, registration and story time also maintain that link between home and school.

●       We also have face to face contact when we deliver packs to homes - a friendly familiar face can boost both pupils and staff!

As a school, we are constantly monitoring these approaches and improving where necessary.

If any parent or carer has any questions, they should contact school and we would be happy to help.

 Thank you for the support and lovely comments we have received.


What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

We are providing a blended approach to remote learning, based on feedback from you as parents and carers. This will be a mix of paper based work and online work via Google Classroom. Both will closely follow the year group curriculum. Teachers will upload daily lessons to Google Classroom.

For short term isolation, paper packs will be available within one day of notification. For longer periods e.g. National Lockdowns/ Regional Restrictions; paper packs will be provided every two weeks with English, Maths and Science tasks to cover this period.


Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school. However, we have needed to make adaptations in some subjects. For example, in place of PE lessons we have linked to online videos such as Joe Wicks’ online PE lessons.



How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

KS1: With both online learning and work in packs, we estimate that children will be spending around 3 hours a day.

KS2: With both online learning and work in packs, we estimate that children will be spending around 4 - 5 hours a day.

This may differ day to day, depending on the tasks. Some lessons may take longer than others. This is also depending on the amount of effort the child puts into their work.We would encourage adults supporting their child’s learning to read and check their child’s work and actively use the additional links provided; for example use of Bug Club, Accelerated Reader, TT Rockstars etc.



How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

As a school, we will be using Google Classroom to set work. We will be using Zoom for live check ins, class meet and greets each morning as well as weekly whole school assemblies.

We will be using Loom for pre-recorded lesson introductions, directions and explanations.

We will also be supporting home learning with Zumos, TT rockstars, myOn and other web based platforms the school/children have accounts for. To help with communications, we will be using emails and twitter to give regular updates.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education? 

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

  • Any child that does not have a device, or siblings who are sharing one device, can be issued a loan device from school.

  • Any families who do not have access to the internet should contact school for support. We can give details of how to increase mobile data allowances, offer short term SIM cards of data and possibly apply to the DfE for routers.

  • Printed packs are delivered within one day of a short period of isolation and fortnightly to the home under national lockdowns/restrictions. If a parent needs another copy or additional printed materials, they should contact the school office and we are happy to print these out. These can be collected from the school office during your daily exercise period

  • Children can still submit work completed on paper by dropping this off at school. It will be looked at after 72 hours, once quarantined, and the child will receive feedback from their teacher via telephone. However, if there is no internet access at home we would encourage parents/carers to contact school for support.


How will my child be taught remotely?

At Park Primary, we will be engaging and teaching children through a variety of means.

For short periods of isolation/waiting for test results:

  • We will provide a paper pack of work that is following the curriculum being taught in class. A member of staff will also contact home to check in. This should be returned to school once isolation is over or test results are negative. All forms of communication are still available.

 For long periods of isolation or local/national restrictions:

  • Every two weeks, we will be sending home printed packs home. Within the packs, there will be a range of lessons for children to complete, including handwriting, spellings, maths, and a variety of science, art, PE, PSHE, English, and humanities. (The variety/afternoon lessons may be taught online and not in packs or vice versa, depending on the task. This is directed on children’s timetable)

  • Every morning, children will have a live Zoom meet and greet with the class teacher. Children will access this through Google Classroom

  • Every day, teachers will post an online English lesson through Google Classroom. This will be accompanied by a recording of the teacher giving instructions and explanations.

  • Everyday, teachers will post an online Maths lesson through Google Classroom. This will be completed on paper within their packs. The online lesson will have a recording of the teacher, talking through the maths lesson. We will be using White Rose maths, as well as other supporting resources to accompany the lesson.

  • A third lesson will be set by the teacher. This may be online or with the home learning pack.

  • There will be other activities to complete throughout the day as well, for instance handwriting, spellings and reading.

  • Teachers may set specific PSHE lessons, reading or maths lessons using Zumos, myOn or TT Rockstars. Often, and if needed, the teacher may record an introduction to some of these activities and share the video using Google Classroom.

  • At the end of the day, there will be a live Zoom check in half an hour, where children can join their teacher and class, to discuss the day's learning.

  • Teachers may also set other wellbeing or fun activities for children to complete in their own times, e.g. listening to a book via YouTube, following a ‘Joe Wicks’ video, or using Padlet to answer fun questions. Such activities will be shared via Google Classroom.

  • As time progresses, we may add/change lessons and activities, or use different websites/applications. Children and parents will be updated accordingly.


 What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

  • As a school, we expect ALL children at home, to access remote learning (online and packs).

  • This requires ALL children to log onto Google Classroom each morning and attend the live meet and greet from 9-10 (Time varies, depending on class).

  • We expect ALL children to access their online lessons, watch the recorded videos, complete work and submit their work.

  • We expect ALL children to complete their work in the home learning packs. If children have the technology, we are encouraging children to upload a picture of their completed home learning packs to their Google Classroom. We will be supporting families with this over time.

  • We expect ALL children to put the same amount of effort and commitment into all of their lessons and tasks set, as they would in school. Therefore, we expect ALL children to follow the school timetable, set out in their home learning packs and online, as closely as possible. We understand at Park, how important it is to stick as closely as possible to a routine and we always expect our children to give their maximum effort in all lessons.


How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are any concerns?

  • Via the ‘stream’ in Google Classroom, children can communicate directly with their class teacher. This is a space where the teacher can respond to children, and give feedback or guidance.

  • Each week, teachers and teaching assistants will be phoning children, to give feedback on their work so far and check how the child is doing.

  • All teachers will be checking their class/year group email for correspondence as well as members of the leadership team contacting families to give further support and advice.

  • At the end of the day, there will be a live Zoom check in half an hour, where children can join their teacher and class, to discuss the day's learning.


How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

When children submit their work, they have the option to privately message their teacher about the work. Here, the teacher can respond and help the child further. When work is submitted, teachers will give comments about the work, or give more detailed feedback and submit the work for children to edit. This will be task and age dependent.

Children who upload pictures of their home learning packs will also receive feedback/comments on their work.


How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

Children who normally receive additional support and interventions, that can not take place at home, have been offered a place in school in order for these to continue. Where this place has not been taken up, we have continued to offer additional support through:

  • regular check ins/phone calls or emails with the SENDCo; Mrs Smyth

  • additional work for English and maths delivered with their paper packs

  • additional work linked to your child’s area of need delivered in their paper packs

  • online Zoom tutor sessions for English and Maths

  • differentiated work via Google Classroom.

  • support from agencies such as Physiotherapy, Orrets Meadow or the Autism Team will continue either in school or remotely

  • the MHST (Mental Health Support Team) will also continue support remotely until face to face sessions can reconvene.

For younger pupils, support will also continue. In addition to the above, Speech and Language sessions will continue to take place via Zoom with the therapist, for pupils, both in school and at home. Teaching Assistants will deliver the programmes of support for this in addition to WELLCOMM sessions.



If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote education differ from the approaches described above?

Where children are isolating and have no symptoms, there is no difference. They can still access Google Classroom and complete any paper based tasks as usual.

Where children are isolating and they are ill, then they would not be expected to complete work due to illness. As with any other non-Covid related illness, they would be absent from school.

Online links

Please click the buttons below to direct you to lots of online learning opportunities. Where possible these sites are free or just need an adult to download or your child has brought home their log in details.