Park Rangers - Wraparound Care Provision
Terms and Conditions - Updated January 2025
Park Rangers is Park Primary School’s Wraparound Care Provision, providing term time before and after school care for the pupils of Park Primary School in Foundation 2 to Year 6. We are not able to accommodate children in Foundation 1.
Park Rangers provides a range of extra curricular activities for pupils, including homework supervision.
Pupils attending the morning sessions will receive breakfast and those pupils attending the after school sessions will receive a light snack.
Our operating hours and charges are as follows:
Pupils and Emergency Contact Details
Park Rangers staff access the same records as main school staff, so it is important that you keep your child’s details up to date as well as the details of all emergency contacts. You can view and update your child’s emergency contact details via Arbor.
Booking Process
Places must be booked and paid for in advance via the Arbor App or Arbor Parent Portal. Full instructions to book via the Arbor App or Arbor Parent Portal can be found below.
Payment can be made using bank transfer, card payments, Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Sessions are subject to availability and will be confirmed at the booking stage.
Childcare Vouchers
We accept Childcare Vouchers (tax free childcare, college childcare funding etc.) as part payment of Park Rangers fees. This arrangement must be approved in advance by emailing the school office Parents/carers are responsible for booking and part-paying for sessions via Arbor. The finance team will credit children’s Arbor accounts when vouchers are received to the school bank account.
Any outstanding balances (i.e. over and above any voucher funding) must be cleared on a monthly basis. We reserve the right to withdraw places if balances are not cleared.
Parents/carers can obtain evidence of top up payments made and charges applied to your child’s account in order to provide as evidence to Universal Credit or other benefits or childcare vouchers providers. If your chosen provider requires more detailed evidence, the school can provide monthly statements. In all cases, requests must be made by emailing the school office at least 7 days’ in advance.
Before School Provision : Drop Offs
Parents/carers must drop their child off and hand over to a member of staff at the Park Rangers provision door whereupon their attendance will be recorded on school registers. A member of the Park Rangers team will escort pupils in Foundation 2, Years 1 and 2 to their respective classrooms for the start of the school day. Pupils in Years 3 to 6 will make their own way to their classrooms.
After School Provision : Collections/Arrivals from Classrooms
At the end of the school day, pupils in Foundation 2, Years 1 and 2 will be collected from their respective classrooms by a member of the Park Rangers team and escorted to the after school provision. Pupils in Years 3 to 6 will make their own way to Park Rangers. Their attendance will be recorded on school registers.
If a child is booked to attend the provision, but they have not arrived, a member of the Park Rangers team will firstly check with school staff and then call the child’s parents/carers (and all contacts on the child’s Arbor profile) if a reason has not been established.
If the child’s parents/carers and none of the contacts on the child’s Arbor profile cannot be contacted, and the whereabouts of the child remains unknown, the Senior Playworker on duty will immediately report this to a member of the senior leadership team who will follow the school’s missing child procedure.
Dismissing Pupils Procedure
Children can only be collected by known adults on the Arbor contact list and cannot be released to anyone under the age of 16 years.
If an unknown or known adult presents themselves, the pupil should remain on site while Park Rangers staff telephone the parent/ carer to confirm arrangements.
If a child has not been collected by 6pm, the Senior Playworker on duty will telephone all emergency contacts on the child’s profile, starting with priority 1 and working down the list. Late collection charges will be applied to the child’s account. If no-one can be contacted, Park Rangers staff will immediately contact the Headteacher or other member of the senior leadership team who will decide on next steps, which may include a referral to Social Care.
We require 48 hours’ notice of cancellation of bookings, which includes pupils who are absent due to illness.
Parents/carers must email the school office to notify of the requested cancellation by stating the date, session(s) and reason for cancellation. Staff will only recredit accounts if the minimum notice has been given.
Bookings will be refunded in the event of school closure e.g. due to floods or snow.
Accidents and Medication
All accidents and incidents will be dealt with in accordance with usual school procedures.
All requests for Park Rangers staff to administer medicines will be in line with usual school procedures. Parents/carers must complete the Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicine Form. Paper copies of the form are available from the school office or from the Park Rangers team. Staff will not administer any medication without a signed Agreement.
For more information, see the Medicines in School page of our website.
We have the same high standards of behaviour and conduct of pupils attending Park Rangers as normal school time, in line with our Behaviour Policy. We reserve the right to withdraw a place from a child who is felt to be a danger to other children or who impedes the effective running of the provision.
General provisions
These Terms and Conditions will be reviewed on an annual basis, and updated on the school website.