Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
Evidence shows that disadvantaged children generally face additional challenges in reaching their potential at school and often do not perform as well as other pupils. Pupil Premium funding is provided to schools to address such challenges and improve the education outcomes for disadvantaged pupils.
The Governing Body and Leadership Team of the school are accountable for ensuring that the resources allocated through Pupil Premium have an impact on pupils' educational standards and achievement.
Pupil Premium funding is delegated to support children who:
Have been registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years - £1,385 per pupil in 2023/24
Children who are in care of the local authority - £2,410 per pupil in 2023/24;
Children who have been adopted from care or left care - £2,410 per pupil in 2023/24; and
Children who have parents who are in the armed services (British Army, RAF, Royal Navy) - £320 in 2023/24
Priorities for 2023/24:
Teaching : a focus on professional development ensuring the opportunity for highly skilled teachers to support and also develop early career teachers.
Targeted academic support : close links between intervention support and classroom teaching – structured interventions; small group tuition, one to one support, effective development of teaching assistants, phonic and reading interventions.
Wider strategies : using social and emotional support to target non-academic barriers to success in and out of school, sustaining parental engagement, behaviour for learning, breakfast clubs, cultural capital, and residential trips..
The report below summarises how we will spend our Pupil Premium funding during the current academic year, as well as the proposed impact this will have on pupils’ attainment at Park Primary school.